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That Eternal Flame_Farrukh Ahmad

That Eternal Flame
Farrukh Ahmad

 I wake up with the same dream that made me asleep;
A dream that brings despair and assurance as well,
I am tied to that dream’s complex emotions
And find out my way through its momentary flash.

Though it’s a small glow-worm in that endless darkness
And goes out often, yet I know that love, my beacon-light,
Is the only reality in this afflicting darkness?
Every –burning in my life’s distant dark horizon.

That eternal flame! I feel in my whole being
That light’s manifold manifestations;
Its soft warmth creates in the heart’s music
A dream-world full of nightly wonder.
All the river would have died, all heavenly glow-worms collapsed
If likewise they have not emitted light,

Translat by Abdur Rashid Khan

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