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Those Wild Eyes_ Farrukh Ahmad

Those Wild Eyes
 Farrukh Ahmad

You can in a moment recognize those wild eyes
Whose signals created my dreams so long;
Restless and wild they are, sometimes blinkless and still;
They can tear off the mind’s cob-web in a moment.
That damsel with strong modesty has enormous treasures
In amazing wonder I find her eyes treacherous.
Every moment she darts arrows from her primitive look;
Her pleasures play wild in her beaming eyes.

You have not seen those glances; you only saw her strong modesty;
You only saw her cute chastising attitude as of a queen.
The night’s perfect stillness pervades through out her body;
You did not see the hidden luster; with strong determination
If you cross the limit, you would find her eyes adorned
With crowding starry words and crimson morn on her chin.

Translat by Abdur Rashid Khan

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